Article: 288820 of talk.bizarre
From: "Candy-Colored Clown" <>
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: Re: excessive excessive
Date: 4 Dec 1996 05:07:09 GMT
Organization: InterAccess, Chicago's best Internet Service Provider
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <01bbe1a0$5a4e04a0$>
References: <>

Lisa Chabot <> wrote in article <>...
> I'm worried: just what does "1000% cotton" mean?
> Does this mean that it will cause other items in my closet to become
> This might be a good thing for that sweatshirt my mom gave me that's only
> cotton, but what about my silk blouses?
> .
> .                                                         what about my
> .

Your cat is 60% Orlon, 39% Bisquick, and 1% undecided.